Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Nigel

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AdrianLatinDark onePopularity of Adrian
AdrianoLatinDark onePopularity of Adriano
AdrianusLatinDark onePopularity of Adrianus
AdrieLatinDark onePopularity of Adrie
AdrienLatinDark onePopularity of Adrien
CarrolCelticChampionPopularity of Carrol
CarrollCelticChampionPopularity of Carroll
HadrianSwedishDark onePopularity of Hadrian
HadrianLatinDark onePopularity of Hadrian
HadrianusLatinDark onePopularity of Hadrianus
KemEnglishChampionPopularity of Kem
KemperEnglishChampionPopularity of Kemper
KemplenEnglishChampionPopularity of Kemplen
KempsonEnglishChampionPopularity of Kempson
KempyEnglishChampionPopularity of Kempy
NealCelticChampionPopularity of Neal
NealEnglishChampionPopularity of Neal
NealGaelicChampionPopularity of Neal
NealeGaelicChampionPopularity of Neale
NealeCelticChampionPopularity of Neale
NealonCelticChampionPopularity of Nealon
NeelGaelicChampionPopularity of Neel
NeelyGaelicChampionPopularity of Neely
NeilCelticChampionPopularity of Neil
NeilGaelicChampionPopularity of Neil
NeilanIrishChampionPopularity of Neilan
NeilanScottishChampionPopularity of Neilan
NeillIrishChampionPopularity of Neill
NeillScottishChampionPopularity of Neill
NeillCelticChampionPopularity of Neill
NeillGaelicChampionPopularity of Neill
NellCelticChampionPopularity of Nell
NelsGaelicChampionPopularity of Nels
NialGaelicChampionPopularity of Nial
NiallScottishChampionPopularity of Niall
NiallCelticChampionPopularity of Niall
NiallEnglishChampionPopularity of Niall
NiallGaelicChampionPopularity of Niall
NiallIrishChampionPopularity of Niall
NiallanCelticChampionPopularity of Niallan
NielGaelicChampionPopularity of Niel
NielsGaelicChampionPopularity of Niels
NiguelSpanishChampionPopularity of Niguel
NijelEnglishChampionPopularity of Nijel
NilesEnglishChampionPopularity of Niles
NilesGaelicChampionPopularity of Niles
NilsDanishChampionPopularity of Nils
NilsGaelicChampionPopularity of Nils
NygelEnglishChampionPopularity of Nygel
NyleCelticChampionPopularity of Nyle
NylesEnglishChampionPopularity of Nyles
O'NeillGaelicChampionPopularity of O'Neill

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