Mother of the month: Kelly King Anderson

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Kelly King Anderson is the founder of Startup an organization that serves women entrepreneurs nationally. She is currently planning the Startup Princess "Make it Happen!" conference, Sept. 26th at the Miller Innovation Center in Sandy. Kelly also has a Master's Degree in Theatre for Young Audiences- her thesis was on the benefits of pretend play and literacy among preschool aged children.

Did you always want to be a mom?

Kelly: YES!!

What is your favorite part about being a mom?

Kelly: Rediscovering the magic of life with them

What is the hardest thing about being a mom?

Kelly: Bedtime, disciplining, and allowing my kids to make their own decisions

What advice do you have for other moms?

Kelly: Take time to pretend with your kids, not only is it bonding time, it's incredibly important for their social and cognitive development. Offer storyline suggestions to little ones to extend their pretend play, such as, "Is your baby crying? Is she hungry or tired? What can you do to help?"

Have you ever thought "I'm never going to be the mom that _____"

and now you are? Kelly: Yes, unfortunately I do get upset and yell sometimes, but I'm determined to change bad habits and become soft-spoken

What do you do if you have 10 minutes of free time?

Kelly: Check my email

What it your favorite thing to do with the kids?

Kelly: We love to have tea parties, go on field trips, and read picture books-our favorite one right now is "Seven Silly Eaters"

What is the most important thing that you want your kids to learn from you?

Kelly: Leadership and integrity to stand up for what is right, particularly when they are alone

Are you like your mom? Did you always want to be like your mom?

Kelly: My mom is amazing and extremely committed to my personal growth, she continually sought after opportunities that would help me develop my talents and she taught me to serve others. I hope I can be more like her in those ways as my kids continue to get older.

Do you have a favorite song you sing to your kids?

Kelly: Just one favorite? We love Raffi songs and Primary songs, but my ultimate favorite to sing to them is "I am like a star shining brightly, shining for the whole world to see... I can do and say happy things each day, for I know Heavenly Father loves me."

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