How to make your business dream a reality

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Once upon a time you had a great idea to invent a wonderful product. You could practically see your concept on the shelves at Target, but you didn't know where to start so, you hesitated then you wished for a "Fairy Godmother" to guide you through the process from concept to completion. Wish Granted! I'd love to be your Fairy Godmother.

I have a bit of experience in this area because I'm a "Fairy Godmother"/mentor everyday on an online blog magazine, I founded this website three years ago because I also had big dreams but had no idea of what the steps were to launch a business and how to balance startup with raising a family. I decided to learn by interviewing hundreds of successful women entrepreneurs and published their tips and strategies on Startup Princess, now a popular and trusted site among women entrepreneurs. I invite you to check it out! But before you go, I'd love to share 5 of the initial steps we've discovered works magic for startups:

  1. Put Your Ideas on Paper: Write down every detail and then summarize your concept in a one page document for mentors; include sketches or photos of a mockup of your design, if applicable.
  2. Find a Successful Mentor: Brainstorm about the viability of your idea as a profitable business. If you don't know anyone who has started a successful business then contact your local Small Business Development Center for free mentoring and guidance.
  3. Consider a Home-based Business: Not only will you have a more flexible business that will provide you more time with your family, you will significantly lower your initial startup costs and decrease risk.
  4. Write a Business Plan: This is usually the step most people want to skip, it can be challenging to write a plan, however with the help of your local Small Business Development Center and the guidance of a great mentor and accountant, a well-written plan will give you something to show your spouse, potential investors, banks, and even a potential partner that you are serious about the future of your company and have a strategy in place.
  5. Start Networking: Meet other entrepreneurs to learn, share resources, and perhaps find a client or partner along the way. Where do you meet entrepreneurs when you're a busy mom? One place to start is to find online blogs that write about your industry and introduce yourself by commenting on posts you find interesting, linking to your own website when possible. Get started with social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. You'll be amazed by how quick you'll make connections for your business on the web. Introduce yourself by commenting and email whenever possible to others who share your interests and have a similar or compatible product or service.

Another idea is to get involved in the local entrepreneur scene and meet business owners in person at workshops, conferences, and lectures. You owe it to yourself and your continuing business education to attend events where you'll learn valuable resources and make connections with people you would not otherwise have the opportunity (believe it or not, not everyone is on Facebook.) On that note I'd like to invite you to join us September 26th for our annual Startup Princess conference for women entrepreneurs at the Sandy, Utah Salt Lake Community College, Miller Business Innovation Center. To register and find more information about the conference, please visit our site, and click on the "events" button.

Now you know the first steps to making your business dream a reality, Please don't hesitate to contact me, I'm serious about being your Fairy Godmother I'd love to see your product in Target too. Make a Wish, Make it Happen!

Kelly King Anderson is the Founder and Managing Director/Fairy Godmother of Startup Princess. Her company has been recognized as a top resource for women entrepreneurs by Costco Connection and Entrepreneur. Kelly and her husband Matt have 3 young children and live in Utah County.

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