Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Martyn

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MartLatinOf MarsPopularity of Mart
MartelLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martel
MartelGermanWarrior of MarsPopularity of Martel
MartellGermanWarrior of MarsPopularity of Martell
MartenLatinOf MarsPopularity of Marten
MartieLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martie
MartinEnglishWarrior of MarsPopularity of Martin
MartinLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martin
MartinetLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martinet
MartiniqueLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martinique
MartinoLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martino
MartinsLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martins
MartinsonLatinOf MarsPopularity of Martinson
MartonLatinOf MarsPopularity of Marton
MartyEnglishWarrior of MarsPopularity of Marty
MartyLatinOf MarsPopularity of Marty
MertilLatinOf MarsPopularity of Mertil
MertinLatinOf MarsPopularity of Mertin
MártonLatinOf MarsPopularity of Márton

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