Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Morgan

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MorganaCelticDweller of the seaPopularity of Morgana
MorganaArthurian LegendEnchantress half sister of ArthurPopularity of Morgana
MorganaWelshWhite sea, Bright, Dweller by the seaPopularity of Morgana
MorganaGaelicWhite sea, Bright, Dweller by the seaPopularity of Morgana
MorganceCelticDweller of the seaPopularity of Morgance
MorgandyCelticDweller of the seaPopularity of Morgandy
MorganeCelticDweller of the seaPopularity of Morgane
MorganicaWelshWhite sea, Bright, Dweller by the seaPopularity of Morganica
MorganicaGaelicWhite sea, Bright, Dweller by the seaPopularity of Morganica
MorganneWelshWhite sea, Bright, Dweller by the seaPopularity of Morganne
MorganneGaelicWhite sea, Bright, Dweller by the seaPopularity of Morganne

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