Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Reveka

Just type in a name and pick boy or girl, and we will help you find other baby names with similar meanings. This can be very useful if you want to see what other names that you might want to use for your baby.


BeccaEnglishCaptivatingPopularity of Becca
BeccaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Becca
BechaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Becha
BeckaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Becka
BeckiEnglishCaptivatingPopularity of Becki
BeckyEnglishCaptivatingPopularity of Becky
BeckyHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Becky
BekkiHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Bekki
RebaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Reba
RebakahHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebakah
RebecaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebeca
RebeccaEnglishCaptivatingPopularity of Rebecca
RebeccaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebecca
RebeccahHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebeccah
RebeckahHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebeckah
RebekaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebeka
RebekahHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebekah
RebekkaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebekka
RebequaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebequa
RebequeHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rebeque
ReeHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Ree
ReebaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Reeba
RibaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Riba
RifkaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rifka
RivaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Riva
RivcaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rivca
RivkaHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rivka
RivyHebrewCaptivatingPopularity of Rivy

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